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Making MyMuseum

City Hall Generations

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This exhibition provides an insight into cultural activities within Perth City Hall. Since opening in 1910, the City Hall has hosted a variety of festivals, performances and events. The images are selected by volunteers working on the MyMuseum project alongside soundbites and creative activities for families.

MyMuseum aims to create new ways for people to engage with collections. This has begun with the digitisation of archive material related to the City Hall. It includes material from Perthshire Advertiser, the Alex Cowper and Louis Flood collection and material collected during City Hall Memories days.

The team were asked to select 30 images they found interesting and to explain why. This has resulted in a series of personal responses and conversations around the collections. 

MyMuseum will create a new collections portal and digital table displaying heritage collections. People will be able to select and share items that interest them and then create their own museum. 

MyMuseum is being delivered in partnership with Abertay University and funded by Museums Galleries Scotland. We are also thankful to Perthshire Advertiser for supporting this exhibition.

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