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Culture Perth & Kinross Trustees Annual Report 

Year ending 31 March 2020 

Venue Based Activity


In 2020/21 we were able to open 5 of our 13 Library sites and 1 of our 3 Museum and Gallery venues.

  • Venues operated with reduced opening hours

  • Covid-safe working practices were implements

  • Venues opened from Mid-July to 23 December 

  • Welcomed nearly 32,000 visitors to our venues

  • Over 5,000 individuals chose to use our Click and Collect book service, without entering our libraries

Customer Satisfaction 

91% of customer surveys visiting the museum were Very Satisfied or Satisfied. 

92% of customers using either a library or the Click and Collect book service were Very Satisfied or Satisfied. 

‘I am constantly amazed at how patient and cheerful the staff are, considering the undoubted amount of stress they must be under - dealing with the public normally, but especially just now. They are terrific.’

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