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Culture Perth & Kinross Trustees Annual Report 

Year ending 31 March 2020 

Continuing Projects

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In December 2020, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that the Stone of Destiny (also known as the Stone of Scone) was to be relocated to Perth to be at the heart of displays in the new City Hall Museum.


The City Hall Project was able to continue its development during the year with work developing on new content for the Museum’s World Cultures Collection. Dialogues have continued with communities from the North West Coast of America (including the Salish and the Haida peoples) and the Māori communities of New Zealand or Aotearoa. We have continued to make progress with our Māori colleagues through our partnership with Te Papa and Wellington University (especially Awhina Tamarapa). 


We’ve started work with PKAVS Minority Communities Hub to embed better ways of listening to and engaging with underrepresented groups. we have embarked on a training programme for all staff to improve understanding of equalities issues, anti-racist behaviours, and unconscious bias as a foundation on which we can continue to grow.  We are also participating in several national sectoral forums in which best practice and learning are shared to help with our improvement journey. 


We worked with our volunteers across lockdown providing training sessions in digitisation and documentation as part of the MyMuseum project. Over 2,700 images were researched and developed, resulting in a co-curated exhibition, ‘Making Mymuseum: City Hall Generations’.

“I have enjoyed working as part of a small team, getting to know the other members and having a point of focus during lockdown.”

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